One is where you couldn't draw any better anyway the other is where you can draw realistically and well and have chosen deliberately to simplify your style, which hopefully shows in better results. I think that there are two kinds of ways to draw in a simplified manner. It tells only exactly what you need to do that, focusing almost entirely on drawing people. This book is a quick, very efficient guide to drawing in a certain kind of cartoon style. Only took me two hours to read and take notes, so doesn't hurt to pick it up. I do find it kind of weird that the author uses the word "funny" so many times (I don't really find that to be the right word, I think "exaggerated" or "off-beat" might be a better word), but I get the point. Bold, exaggerated, flashy, yet simple is the name of the game here. The way that the book is written and designed also reflects this philosophy. It's a bit limited in the sense that it covers only a certain style of cartoons, but I think it does a good job at introducing that style. I do find it kind of weird that the author uses the word "funny" so many times (I don't really find that to be the r A quick easy read that gets down to a lot of the basics about cartooning and drawing figures in it. Jeg kan rent faktisk akkompagnere en tekst jeg har skrevet med et visuelt udtryk, som ikke falder helt igennem - og så er det skide sjovt at tegne, når man kan få det til at ligne en smule.moreĪ quick easy read that gets down to a lot of the basics about cartooning and drawing figures in it. For mig har det været en hel perfekt rejse ud i noget, som jeg absolut ikke mestrede og fortsat ikke gør, men som jeg nu kan til husbehov. Læs den med en blyant i hånden, og se så hvad du har tegnet, når du er færdig. Bogen er smækfyldt med helt simple indgange til at tegne de små tegneseriefigurer og sætte forskellige udtryk på dem.

For mig har det været en hel perfekt rejse ud i noget, som jeg absolut ikke mestrede og fortsat ikke gør, men som jeg nu kan til h Hvis du ligesom jeg synes, at det kunne være sjovt at sætte tegninger til noget af det, du tænker, så er det her et helt fantastisk sted at starte. Hvis du ligesom jeg synes, at det kunne være sjovt at sætte tegninger til noget af det, du tænker, så er det her et helt fantastisk sted at starte.